Meet The Team

We are our people. 

Our products begin with the good intentions of the good folks behind them. Each person on our professional team shares the vision of producing the most effective, therapeutic, consciously crafted hemp and cannabis products in an ethical and sustainable way.

Together, we have nearly a century of experience cultivating and making medicine with hemp and cannabis, utilizing degrees in science, engineering, finance, and business. We also draw inspiration and wisdom from our passions: raising families, hiking, backpacking, skiing, rafting, making music, volunteering, and being embodied!

Executive Team


CEO Cedar Grey is a highly-regarded pioneer of the cannabis community, with 35 years of experience cuiltivating cannabis and 25 years making extracts. He has served as a governor-appointed Cannabis Commissioner, as an advisor on the primary OLCC Recreational Marijuana Rules Advisory Committee, as a member of the Josephine County Cannabis Advisory Panel, and is a founder and past president of Oregon Sungrown Growers’ Guild. These positions have given him connections and insight throughout the cannabis industry, and allow him to keep a finger on the pulse of the regulators. Cedar has an engineering degree and a keen eye for scientific analysis, and his passions include health and wellness, wilderness adventure, and all branches of science (especially theoretical physics and paleontology). His greatest accomplishment is his amazing family.


Madrone Grey, co-founder of Siskiyou Sungrown, came to cannabis medicine in the most meaningful way. Driven to help her son with serious health conditions, she approached the challenge from a deep conviction that plants are our original medicines. Simply put, Madrone loves plants. A long-time advocate of whole plant medicine, this mother of four set out to explore the healing power of cannabis with an unwavering commitment to helping others feel better. In fact, that ideal became our tagline. Madrone holds degrees in Computer Science and Math, but she what she really loves are hiking with her dog, gardening, and long beach walks with family.